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Digital Marketing News and Trends

Reasons to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency in 2022
More and more buzz and people talking about online tools to grow your business, but where to start? I mean, you’re already online right. What else is there?

7 Tips for Small Business During this Coronavirus Challenge
Coronavirus Tips for Small Business 1. Put an automated lead machine in place If you don’t have automated lead processes in place, now is the time to get on that. If the economy goes down, you’re going to have to sell twice as much as you were previously and without automation, you’re running an uphill race.

4 Types of Clients and How to Manage Them
Anyone who’s ever worked at an agency knows how difficult it is to work with several different clients and manage their needs simultaneously. Alas, there are different types of clients in the marketing industry, each with their own personalities, priorities, brand strategies, creative tastes, and budgetary restrictions. If you manage them all the same way, you’re going to find yourself in a world of trouble.

When You Can’t Get Out of Your Own Way
From issues of cash flow to audience apathy, from poor sales to personnel matters, business problems usually start as you problems. When you can’t get out of your own way, there are three situations guaranteed to land you and your business in the mud. The only way to get out is to see these problems for what they are and move forward. Ready?

Why people unsubscribe from your email list—and why it’s not always a bad thing
People are going to unsubscribe from your email list. It’s sad, but it’s guaranteed to happen. No matter how great your email marketing is, you’re not going to retain 100 percent of your subscribers. Studies have placed the average unsubscribe rate between 0.19 percent and 0.52 percent per email sent. That means if you have a 2,000-person list, with

5 Essential Character Traits of a Good Marketer
What should a “good marketer” be like? Surely, we all know about the skills they should have: copywriting, SEO, PPC, social media marketing, planning a strategy, understanding “the funnel”… The list is almost endless. But what about their personality traits? Everything from HTML to copywriting can be taught (I believe), but tweaking human personalities to make them more fit for
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